Theme features
Content Types
- Homepage (Markdown)
- Services (Markdown)
- Work (Markdown)
- Team (Markdown)
- Blog (Markdown)
- Partners (Data)
- Basic Page (Markdown)
- Author (Taxonomy)
- Contact Form (Single Page)
- Bootstrap 5.3
- SCSS (Hugo Pipelines)
- 100% responsive design
- Includes all SCSS files which are well structured and cleanly written
- The entire Bootstrap library is not imported by default. Mainly we use the Bootstrap grid, media queries and utilities. If you wish to use more of the Bootstrap library you just need to uncomment the @imports in the style.scss.
- 100/100 Google Lighthouse speed score
- Tiny CSS and JS filesize ⚡
- No jQuery
- Statically generated - you can’t get faster or more resiliant then that! 💪
- 100/100 Google Lighthouse SEO score
- Google Analytics can be configured in
, supports environment variables.
- Google Tag manager can be configured in
, supports environment variables.
- Plausible analytics can configured in
, supports environment variables.
- Umami analytics can configured in
, supports environment variables.
- Title and Meta tags generated for each page automatically
- OG meta data for Facebook, Twitter etc generated for each page automatically
- Ability to override title and meta tags in the frontmatter on a per page basis
- Ability to override OG Meta data in frontmatter on a per page basis
- Semantic HTML5 document structure
- Social media links can be configured in
- Fontawesome is used for the icons.
- No Javascript links or onClick events to prevent crawling
- Statically generated pages are fast and easy to index
- Full Multilingual support
- Theme demo ships with English and French enabled
- multilingual menus
- 2 language switchers in main menu and footer which can be enabled/disabled
- i18n support
- No analytics, tracking, or cookies are enabled by default
- Supports privacy focused analytics providers Plausible & Umami, both GDPR compliant alternatives to Google Analytics
- Self hosted Google fonts enabled by default. Option to switch between hosting and CDN Google fonts in
- Does not use NPM or node_modules, no risk of dependencies leaking or extracting data
- Responsive menu using simple vanilla JS/CSS code
- Animated hamburger and mobile overlay menu
- Dropdown items in main menu
- Dropdown menu items can have optional icons and descriptions
- Configure menu items as buttons or external links
- 3 Footer menus
- Bootom menu
- Configure copyright, RSS, terms and privacy links in the footer
- Fixed header and animation on scroll
- Logo configuration for desktop and mobile. Control the image (different logos for desktop and mobile for instance) size, text, color etc - Your logo will be perfect 👌
- First class darkmode support
- Configure manual dark mode and position of dark mode toggle
- Supports automatic darkmode based on users OS setting (css prefers-color-scheme)
- Dark mode switch can be displayed in header/footer and mobile menu overlay
- Configure the color palette for light and dark mode base colors in
- Supports self hosted fonts @font-face - GDPR compliant
- Supports Google fonts
- Fonts can be configured in
switch between self hosting and CDN Google fonts
- Font Awesome 5 icons
- Social media links can be configured in
- Fontawesome is used for the icons.
- Auto generated and overridable OG Meta data for Facebook and Twitter cards
- Contact page & contact form
- Contact details including phone, email, map etc can be displayed in the footer and contact page.
- Supports Netlify forms - comes with prebuilt Netlify form, will work automatically when hosting with Netlify
- Supports Formspree forms - comes with prebuilt Formspree form just add your Formspree ID in the
- Includes Mailchimp subscribe
Cookie Banner
- Cookieconsent open source Cookie banner - a lightweight, cutomizable, GDPR compliant cookie consent solution written in vanilla JS. Amazing 🍺
- Includes RSS feed
- RSS icon feed can be enabled/disabled in footer
- Full blog. Contains categories, tags and author profiles
- Blog posts can have full width hero images
- Robust example content included out of the box
- All photos, illustrations and icons included with this theme are royalty free
- Ready to deploy to Netlify
- includes
- prettier
- stylelint
- vscode settings
Version 3.0 (Released Nov 24, 2023)
- Update Hugo Zerostatic framework. Includes new components, bug fixes and even more configuration options in the
- Align feature parity with Jekyll Advance
- Add new header and menu configuration options for button, external link, dropdown icons and dropdown descriptions. Improve dropdown quality.
- Add multiple office locations, google maps to contact page
- Improve Hero section with new config options
- Improve example content for blog and work
- Add styleguide
- Add several new shortcodes
- Fix several bugs with darkmode tables and code highlighting
- Improve language dropdown
- Improve blog functionality and design
- Add new privacy focused analytics providers Plausible & Umami
- Add self hosted Google fonts, enabled by default
- Add cookie banner - Cookieconsent - a lightweight, cutomizable, GDPR compliant cookie consent solution written in vanilla JS.
- Prevent loading of Disqus unless user needs to comment, prevents 3rd party cookie installation and data tracking from Disqus
- Use the Youtube no-cookie embed code when embedding videos
- Remove external Javascript from Mailchimp embed
- Add configurable RSS Icon to footer
- Improvements to SEO meta tags and OG meta tags. More flexible to override on a per page basis
- Improve support for Google Tag manager and Google analytics
- Update to Bootstrap 5.3.2
- Add option for Formspree contact forms
- Add option for Disqus comments
- Improve contact details in footer
- Improve dropdown menu and mobile menu
- Improve terms and privacy default pages
Version 1.4 - 1.4.2 (Released Feb 24, 2023)
- Upgrade to Bootstrap 5.2
- Add config option to allow HTML in markdown
- Improve performance and prevent flickering of dark mode by increasing priority of darkmode javascript snippet in the head.
- Test baseurl with all metatags and improve absolute url
Version 1.4.1 (Released Jan 23, 2023)
- Improve Google local fonts with more examples
- Add email link to team bio
- Improve control over SEO and OG meta tags. Ability to override the title, description and og meta tags on a per page basis via frontmatter. see
for an example. If overrides are not specified, the pages regular title, description and image fields are used as a fallback.
title: "Web Design Services"
description: "We offer the best range of web design services in the area"
og_title: "View our web design services"
og_image: "images/gen/services/service-12-large.webp"
og_description: "Learn about the web design services we offer. It encompasses many different skills and disciplines"
Version 1.4 (Released Sep 12, 2022)
- Tested with latest Hugo version v0.102.3
- Update favicons
- Update image content
- Fix broken demo content from Unsplash
Version 1.3 - 1.3.2 (Released June 20, 2022)
- Fix bug when disabling language switcher in header
Version 1.3.1 (Released April 15, 2022)
- Fixes issue with latest Hugo version 0.96+ .URL error. Hugo versions v0.96+ were no longer running because of deprecated .URL error. Fixed this bug by updating .URL => .Permalink
Version 1.3 (Released April 26, 2021)
- Added full multilingual support! 👋 🇦🇺🇪🇸🇫🇷
- Added multilingual demo content, I chose French, please excuse the poor translations.
- Added multilingual menus
- Added language selector dropdown in menu
- As part of the multilingual implementation, lots of configuration options have been moved from the
to the individual markdown files. For example instead of configuring the services page from the config.toml, you now configure it in the service pages front-matter.
- Added support for image, video, figure shortcodes in markdown content
- Added nested menus
- Added dark mode
- Improved demo content
- Updated from Bootstrap 4.3 => 4.6
- Updated and test with Hugo v0.80.0
- Removed jQuery
Version 1.0 - 1.2 (Released Jul 15, 2019)
- Updated documentation theme documentation
- Add global config option:
enableGitInfo = true
- When sorting content by it’s last modified date it will use the git timestamp of when the file was modified. No longer need to manually update the lastmod
front matter in markdown files.
- Ability to import and configure Google fonts from the
- Improve homepage slider functionality on mobile
- Configure all aspects of the services section on the homepage from the
- Configure all aspects of the work section on the homepage from the
- Change the “We Help Business Grow” section on the homepage to be easier to change the image
- Partners logos on the homepage now contain links
- Update font from “Palaquin Dark” to “Palaquin” - It’s the same font (Google fonts) but this version has a larger version of font weights available.
- hero image text color can now be configured in front-matter
- hero image can now be hidden on a per page basis from the front-matter
- Added hero-image partial to services page
- Added an additional overview section to services page
- Improved design and functionality of service summaries. Summaries can now have thumbnails using the frontmatter
in a services markdown file.
- Ability to configure the default gradient colours for the hero-image partial in the
see hero_gradient_start
and hero_gradient_end
- Add filters and filtering by taxonomy to the work grid
- Work grid now uses pure CSS masonry. Removed
and imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js
- Design changes to work list page
- Improvements to work single page
- Single work pages can now have a gallery at the bottom
- Can now specify the sort order of the work grid in config.toml - options: “shuffle”, “lastmod”, “weight”
- Add sequenced fade-in animation to work grid using AOS
- Configure headers transparancy in a pages frontmatter
Version 1.1 (Released Feb 27, 2019)
- Added online theme documentation
- Update SCSS files to Bootstrap 4.3.
- All sections of the homepage are now configurable via the config.toml.
- All sections of the services page are now configurable via the config.toml.
- Configure global theme colors and fonts from the config.toml or style.scss. Hugo site params passed into the style.scss file.
- Added contact-cta partial which displays a call to action and can link to the contact page, signup etc. Heading, subheading and button can be configured globally in the config.toml.
- Refactor animated header classes to be cleaner and more intuitive. Can inject header classes on a per template .basis. Useful if you have a page with a hero image and you want the header to be transparent over the top.
- Simplify hamburger icon, remove hamburger.css library.
- Enlarge the hitzone of the logo and hamburger menu in mobile view.
- Refactor hero-image partial parameters. Is now set height by default (with default height of 600px). Optionally control the height (ie 360px) or set to fullscreen from a markdown files frontmatter.
- Redesign Team page. People are now in circles, where they belong. Added additional team member social media icons: dribble, behance, twitter. Easy to add more icons using font awesome 5.
- Add author profile to blog posts, list and single.
- Add author taxonomy for viewing blog posts by author.
- Add hero-image partial to blog posts.
- Improve document formatting of blog post content, adding styles for most semantic elements.
- Footer menus are now hugo menus and are configured in config.toml.
- Show hide footer menus from config.toml.
- Enlarge hit zone of footer menu links on mobile.
- Removed unused image and font assets from slick slider library.
- Improved stacking of partner logos on mobile.
- Adjust color and contrast of headings so that only links should appear in the primary link color.
- Improve design of contact page, and make all text read from the markdown file.
- Add meta tags and go meta tags to homepage configured via config.toml
- Override meta tags on a per page basis
- achieve 100/100 Google speed and SEO scores
- Google analytics now uses Netlify environment variable if found, otherwise uses params found in config.toml. Google Analytics does not load on local development to avoid junk data.
Version 1.0 (Released Nov 27, 2018)