
Work pages are part of the work collection. You can add, delete and edit these pages in the _collections/work folder.

Work pages are automatically listed on the work page

They are also displayed on the homepage if you enable the work section (enabled by default).


# collections/_work/
title: "List of ChatGPT prompts"
description: "A great set of Chat GPT prompts. Will try them out later.."
date: 2018-12-29T10:24:47+10:00
categories: ["Notes", "AI"]
icon: "assets/images/icons/icons8-signature-50.png"
external_link: # false
  url: ""
  text: "View On Github"
  external: true

If you enable the external_link, the work card will link to an external url instead of a new page on your site. This is useful for showcasing external portfolio items, projects or just websites of interest.

The button will be displayed at the top of the work detail page and is optional.