
There are several options to configure the footer from the data/layout.yaml

# data/layout.yaml

  title: "Hugo Paradigm"
  description: "Designed and built in Brisbane, Australia. Quality themes for static site generators."
  copyrightText: ""
  copyrightLink: ""
  copyrightShow: true
  socialMediaIconsShow: true
  footerMenuPrimaryHeading: "Site"
  showPrimaryFooterMenu: true
  footerMenuSecondaryHeading: "Custom Page Examples"
  showSecondaryFooterMenu: true
  footerMenuThirdHeading: "Other"
  showThirdFooterMenu: false

Configure the footer menu by editing the config.toml - There are 3 footer menus: footer_primary, footer_secondary and footer_third

# config.toml

# Footer Menu Primary
    name = "Home"
    url = "/"
    weight = 1
    name = "Blog"
    url = "/posts/"
    weight = 2

# Footer Menu Secondary
    name = "Custom Page 1"
    url = "/custom-page-1/"
    weight = 1
    name = "Custom Page 2"
    url = "/custom-page-2/"
    weight = 2
    name = "Custom Page 3"
    url = "/custom-page-3/"
    weight = 3